You're not alone

Vanishing Women Film

Why Professional Women of Color  are Fleeing the Corporate World

Watch Our Trailer

About the Film


... is a timely and thought-provoking documentary that explores what happened to all the women who were supposed to be in board rooms and the c-suite and why they are choosing to exit.

VANISHING WOMEN follows seasoned professional women of colour as they come to terms with the life change trauma they faced, how they were pushed out of corporate at the peak of their careers due to toxic environments created by chronic sexism, ageism, racism, bullying and harassment and how they rebuilt their lives and careers on their own terms

VANISHING WOMEN is an exploration of toxic workplaces  and personal prices paid by these women in one of the world's most liberal cities and the implications for women working all over the world.

...the voices of such women must not fall silent so future generations of black women aren't forced to vanish too." 20 year financial service veteran, London

At every step up the corporate ladder, women of color lose ground to white women and men of color, McKinsey and Company

VANISHING WOMEN will stimulate important conversations with the BIPOC and Professional women communities about women of all races can better take control of their professional happiness with or without the support of the corporate employers.

By exposing more women in abusive and toxic work environments to the stories in VANISHING WOMEN and the business leaders and allies we can help break the silence and shame that exists and help women suffering feel less alone and better access the limited support that is available.

VANISHING WOMEN is a film of hope and success as we share stories of how women are working through trauma and designing work and life on their own terms.

For business leaders, VANISHING WOMEN provides a chance for to hear to grow in empathy and proactive compassion by hearing firsthand the impact of a toxic work environment.

"It's like being in an abusive relationship and not knowing," L, London 

...The voices of such women must not fall silent so future generations of black women aren't forced to vanish too." 20 year financial service veteran, London

Join Us

VANISHING WOMEN's message resonates with women from all over the world and not just the UK. Our mission is further break the silence of workplace racial and gender abuse and enhance corporate empathy within and outside the professional women and people of colour communities.

As a partner, we'd like to collaborate as we release VANISHING WOMEN to audiences across the WORLD through our Strategic Outreach Campaign. Our release will reach a broad audience and achieve our mission objectives through the following initiatives:

Our goal is to bring VANISHING WOMEN to 1 Million Women of Color and 250,000 Allies internationally

  • Festival Release to build audience and engage national press
  • Professional Women Groups Screening Campaigns to reach professional women and their leaders
  • People of Colour Professional Groups Campaign reaching professional people of colour and their communities
  • Virtual events with grassroots and advocacy groups and communities for issues on Mental Healthy, Anti bullying & Harassment
  • Educational & Discussion Materials to facilitate important conversations
  • Digital Release the film commercially through iTunes, Amazon and Netflix
Thanks for speaking on behalf of thousands of women, C, 25 year Energy Professional, Houston, Texas

It's brilliantly done and addresses a topic that has been very much neglected. V, 35 year, Legal professional, London



Across her 20-year career working in leadership roles with Global Fortune 100 corporations, Jimi Okubanjo delivered transformations worth millions, leading international teams of up to 3,500 staff, serving as Director of Operations / COO for a £400M+ division for a multinational. She's worked in 14 countries, 4 continents, with over 200 leaders, and delivering over $250Million in benefits

VANISHING WOMEN was born out her deep multi-industry experience, as well as her first-hand knowledge of what female senior leaders of colour often face in the workplace.
